Top 10 Thanksgiving Songs

1. All Things Bright and Beautiful - Cecil Frances Alexander

The words to this hymn are based on Genesis 1:31; according to, one version comes from a 17th-century English melody. It begins:

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.

The verses, however, are not directly based on the Biblical words. In fact, they somewhat resemble the words to "America the Beautiful":

The purple-headed mountains
The river running by,
The sunset and the morning
That brightens up the sky.
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2. A Boy's Thanksgiving Day - Lydia Maria Child

Originally written as a poem, this is one Thanksgiving song that has lasted throughout the years. Many people probably refer to this song as "Over the River and Through the Woods," because of its opening:

Over the river and through the wood
To grandfather's house we go;
The horse knows the way
To carry the sleigh
Through the white and drifted snow.

It comes in two different versions: a six-verse and a twelve-verse version. When mentioned, the average person might not even think of it as a Thanksgiving song, but it definitely mentions the day: "We would not stop for doll or top/For 'tis Thanksgiving Day."

The melody is simple and easy to learn; many families still enjoy it today.

3. O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand
A popular hymn, this song tells of the pilgrims' journey and reminds us that we are the descendants of those who first landed in America. It helps us appreciate the meaning behind the holiday, and why we celebrate with family and a bountiful feast.

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4. Little Pilgrim

This is an easy song to remember, and teach to children: "Little pilgrim, dressed in gray/On that first Thanksgiving day." It has few words, should be fun, and comes to mind easily.
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5. We Eat Turkey - Sung to the Tune of "Frere Jacques"
This song is also very easy to learn; it begins with "We eat turkey/We eat turkey"; and according to, it's traditional to add other Thanksgiving foods as well.

6. The Thanksgiving Song - Adam Sandler
Alright, maybe it's not your traditional Thanksgiving hymn, but for those who know Adam Sandler's holiday classic, it can definitely become part of the collection. It's funny, lighthearted, and talks of many of the joys of celebrating this feast. To boot, it's much less raunchy than most of your Adam Sandler fare.
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7. For Thanksgiving Memories
Another song that may be popular with children, "Thanksgiving Memories" talks of sitting at the dinner table with the family, and saying prayers of thanks, helping again to remind us of the purpose of Thanksgiving.

8. Thank You - Led Zeppelin
Not technically a Thanksgiving song, per se...but it certainly evokes the same emotions! A song about love and gratitude, it can be a wonderful song to associate with the holiday. "If the sun refused to shine/I would still be loving you," sings Robert Plant. I'd especially recommend this song to those who aren't enthralled with many of the traditional religious hymns.
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9. You've Made Me So Very Happy - Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Another classic song that is nontraditional on Thanksgiving...its beautiful melody and lyrics also remind us of the themes of this holiday, and can be associated with family as well as with lovers and spouses.
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10. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Theme)
Of all the songs on this list, I feel that this one is the most special, because I grew up watching Charlie Brown, particularly on Thanksgiving Day. For children and adults alike, this song reminds us of the youthful fun that comes with this wonderful holiday.

As I said earlier, you may have other songs that would fit this list; feel free to share! While there's still time, compile your playlist and share it with the family and friends on Thanksgiving Day.

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